Why creatives with high-quality copies are the core element and leverage for successfully scaling an eCommerce brand

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The nature of information and how we consume it has changed. Texts must be easily accessible, authentic and easy to read. Since Google and other search engines, as well as Facebook, promote quality content, good copies combined with high quality creatives (ads) are the be-all and end-all of advertising design.

The advertising image or video ensures that the first interest in the brand can develop. We look at a scenario that a Facebook user experiences:
The Facebook user scrolls through his news feed and sees some exciting, colorful posts and videos. Among these posts there are also advertisements. The advertisements are of lower entertainment value and quality than the organic Facebook posts. What the advertiser needs to keep in mind is that he is encouraging the Facebook user to stop and consume the content of the advertisement.

How do we achieve this? 

Through high-contrast thumbnails and advertising motifs

Direct interaction with the user by talking to him/her and giving a positive feeling (smiling faces are rewarded by the Facebook algorithm)

Social proof: Positive comments, discussions that revolve around the product. The Human is a herd animal, as Robert Cialdini explains in his book “Influence”.In many situations people rely on social signals from others who are like them (peers, for example).

Advertising that is not perceived as such (thank you video after the purchase, entertaining content…)

Now it is so that copy, as well as creative play an important part in advertising. But we must make sure that the ads and texts are easy to consume, or even better, entertaining. That’s why there is a rule of thumb which is mentioned in Luke Sullivan and Edward Boche’s “Hey Whipple, Squeeze This”: Let the copy or the image talk, not both.

Crispin & Porter Ads Agency, Miami

The attention should be mainly on one element, as this will remove possible confusion for the potential customer (“frictionless experience”). The customer wants to be guided and still be in control. 

The design of the creative, the videos and the images are responsible for the initial interest and give the brand a recognition value. People who meet the brand should subconsciously associate emotions with the brand. It should give them security and appear familiar. The brand is the carrier of the vision and the goal is to create a community that embodies this vision. 

The copy (text), on the other hand, ensures that the interest remains and leads people to carry out an action we intend them to take. It is the tool that guides the client.

One thing is the same in 90% of all cases: without a managed and structured marketing process, customers will not return to the brand. A confused brain never buys. Likewise, the nearest competitor is only a Google search away.

Over 90% of the consumers do not belong to the kind of people who focus exclusively on factual characteristics when buying a product. The important thing is to communicate what the benefits of the products are and what changes in life when purchasing a product. User Generated Content, which reports about customer experiences, their view on your products and how their lives have changed, is important here. 

User Generated Content at Zalando

Seduction. But not by pressure, but by free will: For example, you could create an article with the 3 best products, which exudes authority and lets the customer decide for himself that he wants to buy something you sell.

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